Myan started showing allergy symptoms when we moved from North Carolina to Texas. He had so much clear drainage that it was causing him to cough and gag. His doctor told me to try Zyrtec or Claritin. I tried Zyrtec first and it didn’t seem to work. Essential oils helped for a little while but it wasn’t enough to help him feel 100% all day. It took about a week of giving him Zyrtec every day for me to see a difference. I’ve never had to deal with allergies but my husband and my dad have really bad seasonal allergies. I am clueless in this department.
Myan seems to sleep better elevated (in my arms) so that’s pretty much how we slept when he first started showing symptoms. I don’t mind especially since he has woken up a few times gagging. That scares me every single time. I am definitely a proud helicopter parent so when he isn’t feeling well I constantly check on him throughout the night.
When we moved to Washington I thought (I’m not sure why) the allergies would get better. I was wrong. His new doctor said to stop giving him Zyrtec to see if it was just something in Texas that he was allergic to. A few weeks after getting off of the medicine the sneezing and runny nose started back. We tried Zyrtec again and the only thing we noticed is that he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and holding onto me like he was terrified. If my husband hadn’t of reassure me that he was fine I would have taken him to the emergency room (that’s how hard he was crying).
Apparently, Zyrtec is known to give some children nightmares. I had no idea until his doctor brought it up. So we ditched Zyrtec and tried Claritin. So far so good (fingers crossed). He doesn’t really care for the taste of this one but he seems to be a lot better and we’ve been nightmare free!
I am open to any suggestions or natural remedies you have for allergies. Comment below just in case there are other parents out there that need help with this as well.
THE ALLERGY STRUGGLE IS real. zai doesn’t have any “official” allergies per se but i know for sure she has some seasonal things going on. I diffuse breathe essential oil in her DIFFUSEr at night and put the cool HUMIDIFIER right next to her crib (with the mist near the side she sleeps on). for some reason it’s the only real thing that keeps the sniffles and crusty nose at bay. i’ve even made a roller bottle of the breathe (which is a respiratory blend by the way) and rub the bottoms of her feet and down her spine. works like a charm (most of the time). hope baby boy kicks these allergies butt.
Thank you! I’ve tried a few different respiratory blends but I’ll definitely give that one a shot. It helps for sure but it wasn’t enough for him to not need medicine. I think it may have something to do with us having a dog too.