The majority of Myan’s baby teeth have finally come in and it has been a fun journey (insert sarcasm). He would always have multiple teeth come in at once. He’s normally pretty happy and silly but teething made him irritable. The Lee household doesn’t tolerate pain very well. I was ready to go to the emergency room the other day for what my husband called a “paper cut”.
Babies can start teething at a super early age and the discomfort can cause them to be cranky. On the flip side, you may have a baby that doesn’t have a problem with teething so you may not notice anything until you see those cute little teeth poking through. Myan’s teething stage was ROUGH but we made it. Hopefully, your little one won’t be as affected by it. Just in case they are these are the things that worked for us.
Frozen Washcloth
This is one of the old school remedies that I got from one of my coworkers. It is perfect for infants who have just started teething. The early teething stage is when you notice babies chewing on everything and drooling even more than usual. Place a clean, damp washcloth in a ziplock bag and stick it in the freezer. It won’t take long to freeze if you use a small washcloth. After an hour or two it should be frozen and ready to work its magic. Myan loved chewing on them so much that I would have to have 4-5 in the freezer at a time so he wouldn’t run out.
Snuggles/Baby Wearing
My son loves to snuggle and when he doesn’t feel well a few extra hugs seems to help tremendously. I can’t count how many times he’s been cranky and immediately stopped after I put him in our baby carrier. A change of scenery would take his mind off of his irritated gums so we would take walks around the neighborhood a few times a day. Even now as a toddler the carrier magic still works like a charm.
Frozen Fruit, Milk, or Ice
Once your baby or toddler has started eating solids you can try frozen fruit as a tasty way to soothe gums. I used the Boon Pulp Silicone Feeders because they are super easy to clean. We tried some of Myan’s favorites like strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. It gets messy but it’s so worth it. If your little one hasn’t started eating solids you can make frozen breast milk or formula cubes and stick them in the silicon feeder too. I tried frozen breastmilk in Myan’s feeders a few times but he wasn’t a huge fan so we used plain ice.
Boiron Camilia Teething
This was one of the first things I tried on Myan when the frozen food and washcloths weren’t enough. It was instant relief for him and made me wish I would have discovered it sooner. It is a homeopathic medicine and can be used for infants 1 month of age and older. They come in pre-measured single use doses which made it super easy for travel and on the go comfort. These worked for Myan up until his first molars started to come in.
Punkin Butt Teething Oil
My friend Tara kept telling me to get this stuff and I didn’t listen. She said it worked wonders for her daughter and I should have bought some ASAP because her recommendations are always on point. This. Stuff. Is. Amazing. That’s all I have to say. No, but seriously. The very first time I used it on Myan it worked instantly and he loved it. It is 100% natural and works well for adults with a toothache too. A little goes a long way so it should last a while. This teething oil is definitely something I’ll keep in stock.
I hope at least one of these can help soothe your little ones. Let me know if you try them out!
Thanks for the Tips – due with a Little girl in june!
Aww Congrats!!
I remember the teething days. I don’t know how many bibs my son went through in one day. I remember the frozen washcloths. I did have a teething gel for night time so I could sleep too.
Oh yes! My son didn’t like keeping the bibs on so he went through a ton of shirts every day.