I got a taste of Seattle’s cold, rainy weather last week and I had to get creative to keep Myan busy.
1. Sticker art is a great activity to help build those fine motor skills. I found some fairly large cardboard stickers at Target for Myan to use. Sticker art also helps with hand-eye coordination. We decorated one of his old shoe boxes one day and a large poster board another day to keep him interested.
2. Canvas painting is one of my favorite activities to do around the holidays. You can find blank canvases in almost any size at a craft store or you may get lucky like I did and find a pack at Ross. I got a pack of four and decided we could use those to paint birthday & Christmas gifts for Myan’s grandparents. I use Mod Podge to seal them once they are dry.
3. Who doesn’t like a good dance party? Myan LOVES music! Turning on his favorite song will instantly change his mood and he will start grooving. Dance parties are great because we both get to burn off some energy and have fun. Myan laughs at my silly dance moves so we normally end of laughing more than anything else.
4. Bubbles are so much fun but I really need to invest in a bubble machine. Blowing bubbles is a lot of work, especially when you are trying to keep up with a toddler’s demand for more. I like to use the California Baby Bubble Bath because it is tear-free. The best part is that it comes with a bubble wand inside of the bottle. Bubbles are another great way to get moving inside and burn off some energy. If you want to get fancy have a bubble dance party!
5. Jump in rain puddles! Don’t cringe! I promise it will be okay. If it’s not completely freezing outside, throw on some rain boots and a raincoat and head out. When I was a teacher this was one of my favorite things to do. My entire class would wear their rain boots and we would go out and have a blast. I love letting kids be kids. I loved playing in water puddles and making mud pies when I was a kid, so I want my child to enjoy it as well.
These are just a few of Myan’s favorite rainy day activities. Feel free to add what you like to do when it’s gloomy outside in the comments below.
Thes e are great tips! Its always raining in the uk at this time of year haha so appreciates!
Thank you!! Tag me in any that you try! Would love to see pictures! 💙