It’s officially August and National Breastfeeding Month! Every mom has a different breastfeeding experience and that is perfectly fine. We all try to do what is best for our family and that is all that matters.
Below you will find a few of the essential items that I used during my breastfeeding journey. Feel free to add some of your favorite products in the comments! This post contains affiliate links
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
1. Breastfeeding Pillow (My Brest Friend and/or Boppy)
I had the Boppy pillow and My Brest Friend and they are both great for different things. The My Brest Friend pillow was my favorite for nursing because it has a strap that you can use to secure it around your body to prevent it from sliding during the feeding. I used the Boppy pillow for supervised tummy time and to prop Myan up whenever he didn’t want to lay flat. We still have them both and he uses them to lounge on the floor.

2. Nursing Friendly Tops
Nursing tops were clutch for me because they make it super easy to nurse especially in pubic. Some even help your nurse discreetly and keep you covered for the most part. Click here to read about my favorite nursing t-shirt.

3. UpSpring Milkflow Lactation Supplement Drink Mix
This supplement is my favorite because it tastes great and works even better! My husband actually found this at Target for me when I sent him to find me something that could help with my milk supply. They do have different flavors and other products but I loved this one so much that I didn’t try anything else. If it ain’t broke why change it? *Make sure you consult with your doctor before trying any new supplements.
4. Nursing Bras
Nursing bras are so comfortable to me. I may or may not still wear a few of mine from time to time around the house. Pair a nursing bra with a nursing top and you are golden! It really does make it faster because we all know when babies are hungry we don’t have extra time to fight with a bra. They want their milk and they want it NOW.
5. Nipple Cream
I started out using a nipple cream until my lactation consultant suggested using my own breast milk. It worked a lot better than any of the creams that I tried but this is still a good alternative if you want to try it. Our breast milk has so many healing properties in it and during those first few weeks I could tell it was working miracles in between each feeding.
6. Lansinoh TheraPearl Breast Therapy Pack
This was another item that my husband found for me while on one of many trips to the store to look for something that would bring me some comfort. This can be used hot or cold and it was my saving grace. I had plugged ducts and got relief almost instantly when I used the therapy packs.
7. Nursing Cover
Of course nursing covers aren’t a requirement but when I first started breastfeeding in public I wasn’t very confident. Breastfeeding was still very new to me and I was trying to figure it all out. Having a nursing cover helped me get comfortable and it helped my son focus on feeding. I like the Bebe au Lait because it has a flexible piece that keeps the neckline open so that you can see the baby and it helps keep the air flowing so that your baby doesn’t get too hot.
8. Breast Pump
Breastfeeding looks different for everybody. Some may exclusively pump and that is perfectly fine. I pumped at first so that Myan could take a bottle in case I would be away from him for a while. He stopped taking the bottle when he was about 3 months old so I only pumped occasionally so that I would have a small stash in the freezer. This Lansinoh pump can be connected to your phone for tracking how long you have been nursing on which side. It is also very comfortable, easy to use, and easy to clean.
9. Milk Storage Bags/System
I LOVE Kiinde!! They created attachments that fit almost every pump so that you can pump breastmilk right into their storage bags. That’s not the best part though. The storage bags actually turn into the bottle by attaching the nipple and case (bottle). I loved not having to wash bottles every day and knowing I wouldn’t risk getting germs in my milk (or spilling it) from transferring from bag to bottle for every feeding.

10. Patience
Be patient with yourself and your little one. Breastfeeding is hard and it’s a lot of work. Give yourself a little grace and a pat on the back. You’re amazing!
This was a great list. Thanks for sharing. A Quality breast pump is a must.